Wednesday, March 20, 2013


My commute to and from work is usually around an hour, which may sound unbearable but it's an hour to myself, it's my "me time". With my iphone hooked up to the sound system, if I'm not listening to 80's soul music (it's a long story) I use the Stitcher App to keep up to date with my favourite podcasts. Using the iTunes Widget Builder I have compiled a list of my most listened to podcasts. As you can see they are mostly a mixture of sports, food and educational podcasts plus the great content from the BBC reminds me of home.
Which podcasts have I missed out? What's on your device that I need to be listening to?

Monday, March 11, 2013

PRIDE Reflections

PRIDE Panel Reflections - Sophomore Health
[click the image above]
One of the great resources that we have within our community is LINKS North Shore Youth Health Service.   Situated in Northfield, LINKS empowers young people to make informed, responsible decisions about their health, well-being and sexuality. Their confidential services are offered in a safe and caring environment. Office hours are Monday - Friday 9:00am to 5:00pm.
Recently we were visited by their Pride Youth Program panel, a group of students within the community who identify themselves as LGBTQ. They shared their personal stories and explained how valuable Pride was as a safe and confidential space for LGBTQ teenagers to build community and support each other.
As always our students were impressed with the guest speakers and when asked to reflect upon the talk they wrote some great comments. Here I have used Youblisher to share some of the many great comments for you to read. Youblisher allows you to upload documents and share them with others in a magazine format.
Check out the LINKS website for further local resources on teen health related topics.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Domestic Violence

Winnetka YWCA came into school last week to talk about relationship safety to our students. When surveyed at the beginning of the year this topic was one of the top 5 topics about which our students wished to learn more. Among the resources that our guests shared was this great website.
They also informed us of the National Dating Abuse Hotline number 866-331-9474 and also the YWCA Crisis Line (24 hour) 877-718-1868.
In the TED video link shown above Leslie Morgan Steiner shares her personal story and attempts to explain the often asked question - why do victims of domestic violence stay in an abusive relationship. After watching the short video feel free to post your comments below. Did she answer any questions that you had before viewing, or did she leave you with more questions that need answering?